MetroWest Veterans Services District

(Serving the towns of Medway, Hopkinton, Holliston & Ashland)

Scroll down for Office Hour Schedules

Appointments recommended when possible

Veterans Coffee Hour 10:30am at Holliston Senior Center 

3rd Thursday of each month


Please scroll down to see all our info and events

"A man who is good enough to shed his blood for his country is good enough to be given a square deal afterwards. More than that no man is entitled, and less than that no man shall have." 

Theodore Roosevelt26th President of the United StatesSpeech to Veterans, Springfield, IL - July 4, 1903


Director & Veterans' Agent:  Sarah Bateman  


Administrative Support Specialist:  John DeSousa 


Part Time Veterans' Agent:  Richard Sabounjian

Hours of Operation           9am-5pm


***Please call for appointments - See scheduled office hours 3 scrolls below***

 Board of Directors

(Meeting Schedule, Meeting Minutes, and more)

MA Dept Veterans Services2018 District of the Year

 Veterans services provided by our office include:

2024 VETERANS' DAY DISCOUNTS                                         

Food Pantry Links

within our District

May 27, 2024

November 11, 2024

On August 28, 2018 Governor Baker signed into Law the Veterans Benefits “BRAVE” Act (Benefits, Rights, Appreciation, Validation and Enforcement)

One of the many benefits of this Act allowed for a municipality to designate parking spaces for Veterans.  You may have already seen these signs “popping” up at various locations to include retail stores. 

To park in one of these “Premier” parking spaces your vehicle (owned and operated by the Veteran) must display a valid Veterans Plate issued by the Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV).

If you do not have a Veterans Plate and wish to obtain one, contact the RMV or your insurance company (additional fees may apply).  

Office Hours Schedule - Appointments Recommended when possible

Holliston:   1750 Washington St Holliston (Central Office)

Office Hours (9am - 11:30am) Please call for appointment                                              

Hopkinton28 Mayhew Street (Hopkinton Senior Center)             

Office Hours will be held every other Friday at 9am - 11:30am at the Senior Center

Medway:         76 Oakland Street (Medway Senior Center)

Office hours (Thursdays 1 - 3:30pm)         Appointments preferred                        

Ashland:       162 W Union Street (Ashland Community Center)

Office Hours (9am - 11:30am) Every other Wednesday starting September 13th, 2023